Alle Angebote

Corporate Actions Employee (M/F)

Veröffentlicht am 09.11.2024



TätigkeitsfelderBanken und Buchhaltung

Art des AuftragsIntérim (6 mois)



Sofitex Talent Recruitment
Fort d'une expérience de plus de 30 ans dans les Ressources Humaines, Sofitex est un réseau international de Travail Temporaire et de Placement en CDI. Sofitex fonde sa dynamique et son succès sur le professionnalisme de ses équipes, sa forte réactivité et sa proximité.


For one of our clients located in Luxembourg-Munsbach, Sofitex Talent is currently looking for a 6-month mission for a

Corporate Actions Employee (M/F)

Your responsibilities

  • Ensure the proper execution of the tasks dedicated to the function, in accordance with the policies and procedures in place

  • Initiate and follow up of investigations on behalf of clients with sub-custodians, network of around 50 sub-custodians worldwide.

  • Input, verify and confirm every corporate action, coupon, redemption or dividend notification in each market

  • Monitor and update if necessary all corporate action events, coupon and dividend payment and redemption

  • Maintain highest possible level of client service

  • Ensure compliance with accounting policies, departmental procedures and legislation

  • Accomplish various tasks in a timely and qualitative manner

  • Participate in the issuance, reconciliation and follow up of withholding tax refund and tax reporting

Profil gesucht


  • Bac + 3 Bachelor in Accounting, Banking or Economics, or equivalent experience

  • Experience in the custody/securities business is an asset


  • Previous similar experience

  • Good knowledge of banking and financial operations

  • Excellent overall banking knowledge


Fluent in English. French would be an advantage but is not mandatory

IT skills

  • Microsoft Office: Good knowledge of VBA/Macros is considered as an asset.

  • Thaler

  • Swift

Personal skills

  • Capable of dealing with facts and figures

  • Perfectionist

  • Accurate

  • Constant focus on quality and client service

  • Team player

  • Analytical, communication and problem-solving mind

This is a great opportunity for a 6-month contract, to start asap

Salary: 50K + meal vouchers

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